Wednesday, July 16, 2008

2 days off you think it would be FUN haha NOT

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the joy of having two days off ... that has been I must say a very very very uneventful 2 days off..You would think having two days off in a row would be omg fucken great .. but omg helllllll no .. it sucks when all your friends are at work while you are ummmmm at home watching movies, myspacing , playing damn games that I am now freaken hooked on .. on facebook, and last but not least reading ... ok ok ok so the most eventful and interesting thing that has come out of my 2 days off in a row has been this game on facebook called "BLOXORX" dont even get me started its soooooo fucken cool .. its a block that you have to get from point A to point B haha easy you are thinking hahaha yeah fucken right .. you cant fall off the edge and blocks dont bend to turn haha you have to use your noggin for this game!!

Also this book I am reading .. HOOPER YOU ARE MY GOD FOR INTRODUCING ME TO THIS BOOK!! The name of the book is EAT PRAY LOVE .. haha i know what you are thinking ..ohhhhh lord .. but noooo way .. its more than that .. this woman writter is a genius!!!
Ok so update since I havent posted in the longest time!! My life is on track .. well almost .. after the next 2 paychecks I will be caught up to date on bills and very very very back on track!! Its crazy how one month of no work can set you behind!

Now as for work .. its going really good .. I am working in OUTPATIENT so basically GP (General Practice) but its all good because I usually follow my patients upstairs to ECC (emergence Critical Care) and get to spend time up there! Thats is where I wanna be .. but I have to start off in outpatient to learn all i need to learn before I really get into that mix... I do have to say i am learning a lot .. at times I feel overwhelmed but not bc of the job .. more so bc i dont know as much as everyone else..its sooo different and deff a different path from the film industry so its just starting all over again and thats the overwhelming part .. just trying to learn all the meds and stuff.. its a lot of info .. but im loving it!! I work 4 days and are off 3 days so its pretty cool to actually have a life again!!

As for all else .. everything is going good .. I am planning on moving out of the house in the next few months and into an APT with my DOC friend from the other animal hospital .. so im not only excited about it but really looking forwards on being on my own again!!