Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy 2005 Halloween


xoxo Chrissie

Friday, October 28, 2005


Me outside during the storm

Sunday Night after I blogged the weather got really bad!! I was like O SHIT!!

Mon Morning it was holly shit KISS YOUR ASS GOOD-BYE type is shit going on with the weather. Our power went out around 6:30 am then from then on it was just horrible. We closed out shutters the night before so all was good but still I hate shutters you feel so lost because you can see anything that is going on outside. The worst part of anything is being able to hear shit but not seeing it.

During the hurricane I opened my shutter just to see what was going on and all you see were roof tiles all over the place so I ran outside. Yeah I did not care if I got hit I needed to make sure my car was ok :) so I ran outside and moved my car back away from the house!! Then I moved my dads car back but his car had gotten hit. Not bad INS will totally cover it but it still got hit. That was about 7am and we were not in the clear till around noon. During the time I was in and out of the house. It was crazy but we still had to see the damage that was going on.

Curiosity gets the best of you at times!!

At around noon the clean up started to begin. It was bad trees were down, cars were wrecked, fences were just mangled, and people were just devastated but all ok.

After I helped my dad clean the house up I went around the hood and started to help other people.

After a few hours of that I decided to run over to Alyssa's house to make sure all was ok and it was. She came home with me and we camped out under the stars Mon night. It was so beautiful the amount of stars that were shinning in the sky was just fucken amazing!!

NO WATER NO POWER NO ANYTHING ... I Could never live like this .... Yeah to all you Amish people FUCK THAT SHIT!!

Everyone the past 3 days were in bed by 8 no lie during an outage you only have a limit amount of things you can do to entertain yourself. I would not be surprised if 9 months from now you see Florida with a record of babies being born.

Our Power finally came on ... it came on then went out and then came back on thank god!! I feel sorry for all those people who still dont have power!!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Good Night for now Wilma


The weather is still nice outside .... a little wind but nothing serious ... nothing in the range of hurricane force winds ... DAMN THE NEWS... DAMN YOU WEATHER PEOPLE .... Just turned the TV on and guess what .... yes news ... more news ... the same news... more of the same shit news for the past 5 days ...... O god the hurricane is traveling so slow!! Wow I dont know hot much of this I can take and lol its only been what 6 hrs since I have been indoors. Ok I can never do anything bad to ever had to go to jail. I would find a way to kill myself if I had to live in an inclosed area for a long time ... long time for me meaning 1 day haha.

Ok well I am off to surf the net for a while before I hit the sack .....

ZzzzZzzzZzz (-.-)

ahhh I can hear my pillow calling my name!!! I am so tired and for the record I did my good deeds the past few days for the rest of my life..... Hurricane Shutters Suck...... I helped a total of 4 people put shutters up for this hurricane (WILMA) so I better see some mailboxes missing.... I am talking I want to see a mailbox fly through the air!! Yes you read right and yes I dont care I better see some impressing damage .... come on at least give me something from this hurricane if I had to help put shutters on 4 different homes!!!


P.S.> Alyssa I am so proud of you whoohoohoo you kicked ass today on the ladder putting shutters up ... you go girl ... yeah 2005 is a woman's world... sorry guys looks like we are so moving on up!!!

P.P.S>Dudet the posted time on this blog was just for you :)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

WHAT TO DO (During a Hurricane)

To Do List

During A Hurricane

Work out-
Get real tired before the storm
Digital Camera- Sometimes you just have to capture the moment
Food- Yes this is the time to eat and get fat from junk food
News- Avoid it the repetitiveness will drive you crazy
Internet- Have a laptop on hand that is your savior
Charge Cell- O yeah your life line to the outside world
Movies- Have lots on hand
AC- Crank that Bitch DOWN as low as it can go just in case

Now If Power Goes Out During A Hurricane
HOLLY SHIT is you new bestfriend phrase!!

Candles - Ahhhh lol time for puppet fun
Alcohol- Get piss ass drunk to piss the day or night away
(that goes either way power on or off)
Chips and Salsa- HELL YEAH its a drinking power out rule
Portable DVD player- Best invention but only last for 2 movies so pick good ones
Family Stress- EARMUFFS or EARPLUGS great inventions


Hurricane Wilma (still not here)

Hurricane Wilma

OMG I dont even know where to start other than WILMA is taking forever and people are going freaken LOCO around here. Including me because not only do I feel claustrophobic with the hurricane shutters up, but nothing is on tv just the news, more of the new , did I mention the news, O yeah the news is so not informing they keep repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again!! O hell yeah have to interrupt to share that they just said they are gonna break away from the news to air Desperate House Wives and Grays Anatomy tonight .... holly shit this satilate better not go out if the weather gets it does have a tendancy to crap out of its connection when it rains, and they have been predicting lots and lots of rain.

Speaking of predictions lets talk about predictions ... The Weather forecast is just a predication right??? RIGHT!! So people go to school, get an education, and then find a job that pays then to assume what the weather is gonna be like. These people are called meteorologist ..... online it says a meteorologist is an individual with specialized education who uses scientific principles to explain, understand, observe or forecast the earth's atmospheric phenomena and/or how the atmosphere affects the earth and life on the planet. This specialized education would be a bachelor's or higher degree in meteorology, or atmospheric science, consistent with the requirements set forth in "The Bachelor's Degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Science,". Ok yeah so they get paid the big ass bucks to tell us to prepare for a hurricane that is gonna hit us by Thursday, then O wait no not today but deff by Friday ... then friday comes along and ok ok ok the hurricane has slowed down prepare for Sat .... Sat comes and goes and no Hurricane because O wait its still over Mexico so Sunday the weather is gonna be really bad I am taking get your shutters out, stock up on food, water, and whatever else you can think of, and prepare for the worse..... Just for the record today (SUNDAY) it was hot as hell, and also sunny from sunrise to sunset. It was a total beach day. No real bad weather at all and yeah the time is 6:45pm.

My point is for the past 4 days no real change has really happened but still they insist on interrupting my fucken shows to tell us the same shit we have been hearing over and over and over again. What the fuck cant they just air the news three times a day morning, noon, and night till its really gonna come. I mean shit how much of the same shit can we really take on information a day!! Wow just had a thought ... I so need to work for the news during hurricane season. Think about it they fucken work 24 hrs and hell yeah with all that overtime you so know they are made and banking!!!
Well I am out of here for now but when I start to go insane from being inside I will for sure post again!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Pumpkin Patch

Ok so today in the torrential down pure of rain we have been having in south Florida the past few days we (alyssa and I) decided to venture on over to the pumpkin patch to pick out our Halloween pumpkins. We saw big ones, little ones, tall ones, skinny ones, fat ones, and yes even rotten ones ewww gross o yeah and for the record rotten pumpkins smell sooooooo bad!!!

Anyway we bought a total of 5 pumpkins (2 for me, 1 for Alyssa, 1 for Michael, and a small one for pumpkin pie) Yes I had this brilliant idea to make a pumpkin pie because I had no plans for tonight and well I just wanted to. I got home and surfed the net for no lie 1 hr looking for a recipe for pumpkin pie from scratch. Yeah let just say a from scratch pumpkin pie recipe is very very very hard to find, so since I had no luck online I decided to go to the store and folloiw a recipe out of a cooking magazines. I saw this one magazine called Holiday Recipe Card Collection 2005. I thought to myself BINGO :) and started flipping through the pages. I came across this pumpkin pie recipe and saw they had both canned pumpkin pie and also real pumpkin mix so I grabbed it and put it in my cart. I wheeled around the grocery store getting what I need to make some home made pumpkin pies :). I went to check out and well lets just say it would have been cheeper to bye 10 pumpkin pies rather than making it because the total was $39.00 O yeah and that recipe magazine was 6.99 .... Yeah WTF is right ... when it rang up I was like OOooooo WHAT ..... then just said o well i need it so I paid the guy and headed home.

I started to mutilate the pumpkin for the pie and talk about hard work. I was working on it for 2 hours till my dad came home and started to laugh at me ... after he yelled "what the hell are you doing" in his heavy greek accent (dad is a chef so he knows his shit) I told him I was making pumpkin pie and cutting up the pumpkin. He started to laugh again and said it is not happening lol you have to boil it. I said no you cut it up and mash it with a fork ...... after 30 mins of mashing with a fork I saw that my method was clearly not at all working so I looked at him and said how the hell am I supposed to know you boil it to get the skin off..... I got two big pots out and started the boiling process. After 45 mins of boiling the pumpkins I have to say it worked ... so my father that damn greek once again proved me wrong

NOTE TO SELF:::: never argue with a chef hahaha!!!

Ok so I finish the pumpkins look at my clock and notice I have been working on these pies for the past 3 hrs. Yes a friday night and I am home experimenting on making pumpkin pie from scratch I HAVE NO LIFE!!!

Ok so I start to mix the ingredients.... the more I mixed the better it looked and smelled. I was so excited and could not wait to start baking them. I originally bought 2 pie pans and after I filled them up I noticed I had a lot of pumpkin mix left over so I had to make a quick run to the grocery store. When I got home the house smelled soooooo goooooood so I was stoked i mean come one pumpkin pie from scratch no one does that anymore :) whoohoo I was so doing the happy dance!!!

I cook all 4 big pies and 12 little personal size pies and let them cool off. They looked good, smelled good, and for the record I dont like pumpkin pie at all but I was sure looking forward to trying one. Yes you read right all that work for something that I hate hahaha. The time now is 11:35pm and I attempt to just suck up hating pumpkin pie so I can try what I have been baking for the past 6 hrs ..................

A $4.00 pumpkin, $39.00 for all the ingredients, a total of 6 hrs in a kitchen, the aroma around the house is like a lit pumpkin pie candle sooooo gooooood, but lets just say smells and looks can totally be deceiving ..... THEY ARE SO GROSSSSSSSS I cant even start to tell you how bad they are.

So now we have all these pumpkin pies in are fridge that I know I am not gonna eat, bro is out of town this weekend but when he comes back he is gonna think they are just bad ... yes BAD, and tomorrow when dad tries one he is just gonna laugh his ass off when he tried my horrible pumpkin pies and never let me live this day down. Why did I not get that cooking gene ... I mean come on mom can cook, dad can cook, my whole family can cook ... I swear they so had to have swtiched me at birth in the hospital!!!

Why is it when I think up these harebrained ideas no one stops me ... ALYSSA??? DANIT??? Yeah I am talking to the both of you!!

Over all was it worth it???? Well ..... ummmmm ??? Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok the truth is O YEAH :) hey we all live and learn from out mistsakes even if it was a $43.00 and 6 hrs later gross tasting lesson ... I still had fun ..... I know that thanksgiving is just around the corner so I might just try making it again. Just to say I have and who know maybe then I will say whoohoo I did it!!

Ok Ok Ok I am all pumpkin out ..... so yeah that was my friday night .... how was yours????

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me

The Caller ID GLOBE in the living room

Today I am 26.... whoohooo you say but not in my case!! You know :) I got through 25 and still working on making it through this crazy ass year so I must say over all I am doing better than I ever imagined right now!!!

What is a Birthday??? The internet says it is the day of your birth hahaha we all knew that but in my eyes a birthday was always suposed to be all about that one person. Its the one day a year that everyone can say hell yeah this is my day, no one can do you wrong, no worries in the world, and its your total fun day no matter what!!

This year it does not feel like that it feel just like any other day nothing special!!

What sucks about my 26th birthday is that it is my first birthday without mom (I miss her a lot)!! For the past 10 months I have been dreading this day !!! I wish this day would have never come because the truth is I did not want to face the traditions alone, but now that it is here I wish it would just end!! Its been a long one so far and the time is only 1:19am I still have 23 hrs of Oct 19th to live!!




Tuesday, October 18, 2005

One Month Down

.... Oct 18th 2005 ....
1 Month down and 11 more to go for Chris Gomes

Lets keep him in our prayers!!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Family In Town

My Cousins Colleen her Husband David and little one Zowie were here in Florida from Oct 11th - Oct 17th. It was fun having them they kept dad company and the little one was well a little one. She crawls all over the place you literally need low-jack on her because if you looked away even for a second thats it she was gone!!

It was fun we did all they wanted to do except Disney World. They said next time they come back to FLA.

They went to the cemetery to visit mom
Drove around miami all of miami when I saw all I mean all
Went to the Village (old house)
Greek Church to light a candle
Hit Miami Beach and walked like 30 long ass florida blocks
Saw the Trump Hotel
Drove down Fort Lauderdale Beach
Shorties BBQ
Sawgrass Mills Mall
Ate authentic cuban food (well pastries) at a cuban restaurant hahaha no one spoke english

Over all we had a good time!!

O yeah yesterday we went to THE PARK at the Hard Rock Cafe Casino to watch the Miami Dolphins suck ass!!

Like I said over all I think they had a good time!!

Now its time for me to catch up on some much needed SLEEP!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005



BOSTON whoohoohooo fun is all I have to say!!

First night in boston O yeah Danit showed me a good time. It a was a great start to a great trip :)!!

It was rain rain rain all day and no lie so cold. Yeah I went from AFRICA HOT to whoohooo cold!! No lie Danit and I had to buy Boston sweatshirts off the street haha yeah talk about dorks :) but hey I got a BOSTON sweater out of it!! She showed me around town and yes we walked in the rain forever. It was funny because usally I would say hell no but the rain was different than FLA wet big old rain drops it was more of a mist most of the time . O yeah Danit had her rainboots on hahaha I will have to post a pic because it was no lie pretty damn funny. Yes I made mad fun at her but after my socks got wet I was thinking pretty smart investment!!
We met up with Danit's Friend Jesse (YES THE RINGTONE JESSE) he was fun :)!!
After we walked around we went to this place called DICKS :)!! its a funny ass restaurant and yes they are dicks (RUDE) to you at times but its all in good fun!!
They make these hats and each of our hats said this!!
Me: I found these kids at the playground.
Danit: don't eat meat but I play with it.
Lisa: It takes a lot of money to look this cheap.
Jesse: Two pump chump.
Katryn (Fun Sucker) : My legs are like 7-11, open 24 hours.

After Dicks we went to the bokkstore:
Here is that story!!

I was walking around with Lisa and just talking and people watching when three weird men came up to both of us ... they basicly corner Lisa and I. They wanted girls opinion on some qustions. We were like um ok this is akward but whatever lol and they asked us about if we married a guy would we take there last name. Lisa was like well yea I would if he asked me and was willing to spend the rest of his life with me of course I'd be honored to take his name. but I turn around a say hell no its the 21st century... Well aparently thats what this girl Victoria an ex gf said to one of the guys and they couldnt understand why she would not take his name. They went on with this whole speech about how they call this girl Vicky "slut" (it really started getting weird here) so lisa said if anything I would just dash and hifinate it. Then we both started to walk away from the werid men ..... when his friend grabbed Lisa and said "hey she has a U shaped smile" we were both like WTF and looked at eachother .... then this one guy explained about 2 types of smiles and i apparently remined him of his ex gf and told me i had a nice smile and I looked/should be an exotic dancer. That is part of what that smile meant. Then the creepy asian man at this piont starts rubbing Lisa's back and crossing over into her personal bubble and she start leaning into me freaked out. After about 20 mins of that shit danit finally came to the rescue. She called Lisa's cell phone from behine this bookshelf and we told the freaks we had to jet. We left the bookstore and headed downstairs when we over heard this girl talking about three guys and a U shaped smile. We all look at her and I made a comment ... she said yeah they asked me the same thing but I was alone ... O hell no that is fucked up at least I had Lisa with me and that was werid enough I dont even want to think about me being alone while they were talking to me so .... no way was I gonna take that shit so I ran up the stairs to tell the store people what happened... Then left before I had to see those guys again!!

Walked Walked and Walked around town. Bought some things for people (Alyssa and Michael) , hit the JASON MRAZ Concert (holly shit soooooo good) and then drank the night away. O yeah I met Danits Friend Noah hahaha lets just say he is a libra too. We posted Danits Number on a bunch of door boards in the dorm hahaha and had this one dude call her yeah it was fun college funny stuff!!

Danit was looking for some and wanted to go to her tall hotties apt (same apt as fri) yeah sorry Danit that was not gonna happen!!

We hung out at Lisa's till 4:30 in the morn just talking ... Lisa and I hit it off she is FUN danit fell alseep for a while and then I came up with this thought of flying standby again and when I called JETBLUE (my new fav airline) I made the decision to stay an extra day whoohoo !!

Chill out day ... woke up at around 11 got out around noon and hit the town again!!

Tuesday morn while Danit and I were on our way to the Airport Lisa calls her to tell her about this site she found !! Well come to find out while Lisa was surfing the net she just decided to look up U and C shaped smiles (WHAT THOSE FREAK BOOKSTORE DUDES WERE TALKING TO US ABOUT) well low and behold an entire scripted conversation for guys to memorize and use to pick up chicks. On the site it said its a sure thing .... WTF is this world coming to!!

Then my flight was delayed 4 hrs


Friday, October 07, 2005



Dakota is doing good his ear is almost fully healed still a little sensitive but hey at least he has an ear from the attack. Dads hands are doing good also!! The bite hand is fully healed but the hand he was hitting the dog with still hurts. I told him to get it checked out but he says no because yes he is a stubborn greek!!

Alyssa and I are fine ..... God damn no lie when it comes to friendships its a fucken job haha na just kidding just had a bump in the road but now all is water under the bridge REALLY under the bridge this time!! I so could not get on a plane knowing shit was still up in the air!! Anything could happen but then again anything could happen with me walking across the street and getting hit by a bus!! I just hate flying period so having that on my mind and also shit not settled it would have just made the flight, and trip 10 times worst!! BUT ITS ALL GOOD NOW!!

Michael and Gina are doing good . She is in Orlando and he is still here in South Florida. Yes its hard at times but I think all will be ok with them. They find a way to see each other almost every weekend or every other weekend so that is a plus when it comes to that relationship. Her parents just moved from South Florida to North Carolina and she misses them a lot I am not sure what she is gonna do about that but as of right now her decision is still up in the air when it comes to staying in Orlando or going to North Carolina. dont want to jinx that so I am just gonna stop talking about them.

Dad has been working hard I think he keeps working the hours he is working to keep his mind off of mom. Do you blame him?? This month is mom and dads anniversary month and also dad and my Birthday. Its not gonna be the same and I know that is on dads mind. He wont show it but I know!

Michael has been working working working and also going to school. Not sure when this kid is gonna graduation but he is not worried about it. He wants to get it over with but then he says school keeps him going at times. HAHAHA I was glad when it was over but then in some weird way I miss it!! OKOKOK I could live without the early AM classes but I do miss it!!

All of are cars are driving well. Michael is happy with his new MAZDA 3 , 5 Door, Limited Addition showroom car. Dad loves his FORD EXPLORER TRAC he just put in for his custom license plate .... PORTIA T (moms name)...... that will arrive in 6 to 8 weeks. My new beetle bug (HERBIE) I love so much NO LIE HE IS THE BEST. Gonna go down for my custom plate sometime next week. I am still thinking of names. Everything I came up was with taken so if you have any ideas pass them right along!! Its a Blue / Purple VW BUG so feel free to help out!!

As for me I am doing good hanging in there and also trying to keep busy at times. I am not working but that is ok I have some money saved up. I mean hey why save it and not enjoy it :)!! After this month I will be looking for a JOB!! Ugh I dread that word because I know its gonna be a shit ass job and not one in the industry yet!! YES YET I HAVE A FEW MORE MONTHS TILL I WILL START LOOKING AGAIN!!! Got to get pass this year and then dive right into the industry again!

This week was a very crazy week. Between the rain rain go away song in my head.... the eye doc appointments and omg dont get me started with what they had to do. Lets just say I hate eye docs. Last week bro and I were wrestling and he elbowed me in the eye and popped a blood vessel and of course it got infected. I had an eye patch on for 4 days it was so horrible but all is ok now. Just have to keep putting drops in my eyes for the next two weeks. THIS WEEK WAS A TRYING WEEK !! I jumped into my car and drove to the cemetery. I was like I so need to get the fuck over this of not going to see mom. Well yeah that did not happen..... no lie I sat in my car just crying!! :( I could not even drive into the place. YEAH I CHICKENED OUT ...I thought I could do it but I was wrong!! I FEEL GUILTY NOT GOING TO VISIT HER BUT I JUST CANT!! I HOPE I CAN SOON!!

I am leaving a day early for BOSTON .... Actually gonna try been trying all week but I finally got a standby flight at 4:10pm today. I am gonna visit Danit and also go to the JASON MRAZ Concert on Sunday. Its a short trip but one that is needed!!

Ok I am out of here for now!

P.S> Less than 2 weeks till my b-day ... OGOD 26 damn.... I better do something wild and crazy in BOSTON before 25 is long gone!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005



This weekend Murphy's Law came into effect ... wow.... it was so fucken crazy that I dont even want to relive the weekend by posting, so I will just move on and not post about it at all!! Lets just say "ALL THATS LEFT IS AN UNHAPPY ENDING :("


What does the line "IM SORRY" really mean when it is said???
Websters Mini Dictionary Says:
SORRY IS : Feeling or expressing sympathy, pity, or regret; Worthless or inferior; paltry; Causing sorrow, grief, or misfortune; grievous

sorry - keenly sorry or regretful;
sorry - feeling or expressing sorrow or pity;

sorry - having regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone;
sorry - feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
sorry - bad; unfortunate

I dont know ... I hate that line .... its used so loosely that I personally feel that when it is said its just said for that person so say something to the other person to make them both feel better!! Yet its still a word many people need to hear all the time, but one I just despise!! Why should you have to say "IM SORRY" ... Whats done is done right and it cant be taken back so why said it!! WHY DO PEOPLE SAY "IM SORRY".... HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN IT IS REALLY MEANT??? HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN IT IS GENUINE???? HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN IT COMES FROM THE HEART AND IS NOT JUST ANOTHER LINE??

I wish I had an answer but I dont so this post is really useless when it comes to posting so I am gonna stop right here. Rid this week and post about my next trip when it comes around!


Chrissie :)