Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Have you ever just look at your life and said hmmmm how did I get where I am right now??


Ok so yeah I found this awesome job at an Animal Hospital and then 1 day before my 90 day probation i got let go bc i was singing haha but the real truth behind that was that the receptionist had it out for me from the start because I was so damn fun and everyone loved me haha .. anyway so yeah I get another job at this other vet and dude its so not worth my time typing that mess of a job and or what happened .. lets just say it was as ghetto as you could get .. semi sterilizing needles and also haha ragging on me about using to many of the good medical gloves so they put out these "APPROVED FOR FOOD SERVING" gloves for me to use hahaha

i have nothing more to say about that animal hospital.... WISH ME LUCK I HAVE AN INTERVIEW TOMORROW AT THIS ONE HOSPITAL I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO WORK AT EVER SINCE I GOT LET GO AT THE FIRST ONE..I KNOW IMA LOVE THE NEW ONE .. HOPE THEY HIRE ME ..Hey they say three strikes your out or Third times a charm... ima lean towards third times a charm haha .. its a better position, better pay, better people, no restrictions on gloves haha and ima learn so much more to advance myself so my stoked-ness is sooo high right now!!!

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