Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Vegetarian OR NOT.. that is the question

QUOTE: Just because you eat a burger dosnt mean you wanna meet the cow.

My friend Danit would be proud of this post =)

Ok so one of my friends sent me a text message today that said
"Look at the vegetarian video I put on my myspace. I'm officially a vegetarian! NO MEAT!! EVERRRR AGAIN!!"

Lets just say the texting convo got so headed that she called me... she never calls me .. shes a texting girl and she called me .. and yeah ok she has a point...shhhhhhh dont tell her I said that .. and ok she is right.. YES she is right about how slaughter houses are and its not right or fair to the animals and blah blah blah..not blahhh as in blah whatever .. blahhhh as in ok the info is true and in my face now ... and yes I have done papers and segments on vegan people and also meat and also so many other things .. but what I was trying to tell her is fine become vegan ... danit is one .. i have noooo problem with it ... but dont join the cult and start preaching vegan this and vegan that... everyone has a choice in life ... we all and understand things and also know things but its up to the people to either really learn about things or turn away when they are being talking about ... such as abortion, eco friendly cars, going green, using bleach to clean, using hair spray, rescuing a pet for 100.00 or paying 1000 for a pet with papers, smoking or not smoking ...... sooo many choices and the world can either look away or make a change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude it's the circle of life! You eat meat or you don't people shouldn't judge! Eat whatever the hell you want to!!