Monday, April 23, 2007


Ok so I am hooked in this MTV show LIVING LAHAINA

::::411 ABOUT THE SHOW:::::
There's Alex, whose sick skills have him balancing on the brink of becoming a full-on force in the surf scene. The ladies love him, but he's usually too busy surfing to notice. Casey is almost solely responsible for keeping the happy juice flowing through the bar -- he's partied his way through every bar in Lahaina, and he's gotten kicked out of most of them too. Then there's Matt, an inked-up head banger who's just as adept at handling girls as he is handling his board. Dave's a chill peacemaker who often finds himself breaking up fights when the guys get on each other's last nerve ... or go after the same girl. Sean Souza, who also hangs with the guys, is a large local and an aspiring UFC fighter, so it's best to stay on his good side. Finally, there's Kimo Kinimaka. As the owner of the Royal Hawaiian Surf Academy, he's the guys' boss and landlord and is the closest thing they've got to an authority figure.

As much as life in Lahaina often revolves around babes, brews, hooking up and throwing up, the boys also demonstrate gnarly abilities that go beyond just surfing while extremely hung over. They also put themselves on the line by riding out extreme challenges in search of life's most epic waves -- the kind that'd send even the most skilled boarder paddling back to the shore.

Yeah, they're local lords of the boards, but will their dreams of becoming serious surf stars come true? Wax up your board and join Lahaina's biggest slackers for the ride of your life.

Ok now for my brilliant new ... challenge / idea .........

This Stand up Paddling AKA Beach Boys Surfing is a technique that Laird Hamilton uses to train. I have never tried it nor have I ever really seen someone do it but from what I have read about it and heard its an endurance and mental challenge to be able to accomplish something like this.

My new idea/goal/training starts April 26 and ends on mothers day with me in the water. My goal is to Beachboys Surf a length of 3 miles...3 is the marker of the last mothers day we had together with my mom. Three miles sounds like nothing but if you really understand the exercise mentally 3 miles is a long time to not only balance yourself on the board in the ocean but also paddle the entire time non stop is gonna be either a good idea or a bad idea haha !!!

First I am gonna start with a Kayak .... train on a Kayak for 7 days and then go for the goal on a board!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chrissie I am so doing it with you! Calling you right now!
