Monday, August 15, 2005


8-15-05 was not just another monday for me :)

Ok so the idea of getting a new car has been an up in the air idea for a while because I really do need a new car but I really did not want to have a car payment. Ok when its monsoon raining outside and you get in your car to get out of the rain, and your friend has her hands up in the air cup like saying "Chrissie your sunroof is leaking" I think its really time to not only consider one but get off my ass start looking and actually get one. Since I do live in South FLA and it rains every day during the summer the leak is not at all a good thing!!

Today we hit the car dealership. Michael called me to ask me if I wanted to go with him because he saw some good deals and if the price was right he was gonna buy one. We get there and I start walking around of course YES I see this car and totally fell in love with it. I asked the guy to test drive it, loved the drive, and signed the paperwork to put a deposit down.


Model: Beetle GLX Turbo
Engine: 4 Cyl 1.8 LITER
Transmission: Auto
Year: 2002

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chrissie- you did it!!! Very cute- the car totally suits you. I miss you and I hope Disneyland with the fam was fun. Call me when you have some time :) xoxox
Love you- Jackie