Thursday, February 02, 2006

Life is to short!

Why do people do stupid things ????

It is a question we all ask ourselves, friends and family members when that stupid thing is done and over with ..... for an example .... why speed when you know that is a greater chance of getting into an accident, why do something if you know very well it is gonna get you in trouble (law or parents) , why run away from feelings and life when you know as soon as you slow down it all catches back up with you, why fight with a friend rather than talking to them, ....... is doing something stupid just another form or running away from the truth or is it just that at that time your stupid idea is a great ideas.... nope I dont think so because 99.9 percent of the time when you are looking back you are asking yourself "what the hell was I thinking"

Its crazy how we all say we thought it trough but did we really ..... if you look back and say wow that was stupid then at the time you did not think before you acted you just acted.

The world always tends to realize so much in the end but the worst part about life is sometimes the end is to late.

Even after typing this blog and also having other read it I am sure another stupid idea is just around the corner ... but then again that is life for you!

They say you live and learn but sometimes you dont get that second chance to learn!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

earring in tongue..........STUPID. hahaha you hate