Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Have you ever felt like the world was just crashing down on you?? You felt so overwhelmed with just about everything that the walls were just closing in on you??? Your life is just flashing right before your eyes and you at times you wish you had a button so you could rewind (time itself), pause (good times), fast forward (bad times), record (what you never want to forget)and also erase (what you never want to remember), but since its life and yeah thats only happens in the movies you take the easy way out and just want to crawl into a hole to wait it all out because nothing you do can stop any of this!!!

Herman is the biggest downfall in a woman but is that just an excuse us females use for those mood swings (0-bitch in 1.5 seconds), the lol bipolar emotional roller-coaster (i love you .. i love you not) , the not so much needed stress we put our family and friends though, or is pre and on herman really a way of just letting it all out ... telling it like it is when it needs to be said at times when we are to scared or to weak to say it otherwise!!

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