Tuesday, February 14, 2006

ugh Valentine's Day 06

Valentine's Day is a special time of the year for LOVERS..... People give chocolate, flowers and cards to their loved ones on February 14 ....... AWWWW hearts and candy for all one day of the year .... this is a day for people who have someone to get gifts and have hot SEX, but for those people without someone its a day to sulk, hate the world, and eat as much chocolate as they can while watching romantic comedies till they cant take it anymore, and then work off all the shit they ate alone in a room using a sex toy called Mr Ducky.

WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO CELEBRATING SINGLES DAY... whoohoo time to party because we are single???? O yeah its everyday of the year for single people, so since singles get a number of singles days someone had to rub that salt deeper into that wound when it comes to us having NO ONE SPECIAL IN OUR LIVE... UGH talk about being bitter towards the day!

If you have not noticed I am ANIT Valentine's Day this year ...... I am thinking of ruling all men off just because life is so much easier without men to complicate it... but then really if you think about it what would women do without men ... ugh damn we cant win them all..... so I guess men can stay :) !!

A LITTLE BIT OF USELESS INFORMATION :) .... Valentines Day is named in honor of St. Valentine. He is the patron saint of love. How this day came alone was St. Valentine had his head cut off and it is said that St. Valentine left a good-bye note for a friend just before his death. The note was signed, “From your Valentine.”It wasn’t until the mid 1800s that valentine cards were printed.

My Friend Danit had a few comments of her own about my ANTI attitude even though she said her POST is NOT directed to me its all Valentines Day Haters in genteral.


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