Monday, May 08, 2006

David Blaine The Illusionist

Ok ...... so this dude David Blaine totally interest me ... I have watched all of his crazy ass adventures (if what is what you want to call them) on TV and also have read a few books about him. Blaine meditates a lot and if you talk to anyone who meditates you will know that in a meditation state of mind you can do more than what your body is originally use to or willing to give. Your mind travels to a different place ... a different reality ... a reality of what you want .... making you forget the hell or situation you are in ... people have said its sort of like a low death or the end of the road ..... its really nothing one can explain only experience ..... The reason why he is so interesting to me is because he always seems to temp fate .. I am not saying tempting fate is the way to go in life but what I am saying is he pushes the limit farther than anyone would possibly ever imagine pushing it and he does things people say he could never do.... he shows them that anything is possible if you put your mind to it!! I dont agree with a lot of the ideas he pushes but I do admire his will in trying .. going farther than the limit that man is willing to go ..... I think that is why I am so interested in watching him.

He is an illusionist we all know that ...... but really how much of his illusions are real ... and how much of his illusions fool the eyes of the believer .... its a question we as non magicians will never know.

ABC 2 hr event .... 8pm - 10pm
The illusionist attempts to hold his breath underwater longer the current record of eight mins, 58 seconds

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